Even with the update, there are still many bugs. For example, you can assign unit into groups. But once you dock them, the group numbers will be gone. Also salvage corvette just won’t salvage at random times, and sometimes can’t retire units you salvaged, Resource Collector won’t use Resource Controller, Resource Collector won’t harvest (you have to manually press ‘H’ every 2 minutes for the next 3 hours), Support Frigate won’t support a group, mismatch between what units you have and Unit summary…..
And it has been out for a year now.
Edit: After finishing the game, I played for the second time. More bugs appear which wasn’t around the first time. Random units would disappear, either at the start of a mission or mid mission. Disappear in an instant, as in just does not exist anymore. This makes the game almost unplayable because too many units disappear, and too often (every mission starting from mission 3).
Thinklabs about Homeworld Remastered Collection, v1.0.1